

IF EVER.....
If ever ...
If ever i go missing someday  and  you get yourself thinking of me, kindly remember me in not my good but bad times
My sorrowful times when all I ever did was lament on what my awful life was like
Days when I felt helpless and hopeless with no one to call on to
Times when I understood that apart from the man above I was literally alone to carry my own baggage to which ever destination I felt like
Remember me on my bad days when I couldn't lend you my help and I suddenly become the most selfish person in your eyes
The days when my presence became a nuisance to many an outcast because of my predicaments
Remember me on such days for I  survived all that and i shall still resurface to fight another day
For  my path ain't defined by my lowest times but by how independently I rise through them
So be at ease when you don't hear from me, it's just that I'll be in the middle of a war zone, caught in a moment of weakness fighting my way out and victorious I shall resurface.

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