

A Universe by Fabric
For time wasn't trying to take up to replace,

 to push in too far and be a waste of space,

 in attempting when  not ready, or unwanted for what entails any more in fabric relations relates.

As familiar with all ways one can come to find themselves having invested disaster

So offer to broker informed of forecast 

to help

By efforts you will find

I was pushing you to race,

 not away but a way back in time to who you are.

 Picking up the pieces scattered in space, putting a friend in time needed to help you face.

 As encouraged there is better replace,

 to put the pieces back together, stronger,

 for what you've experienced, learned,

 and for the better you, 

you will find that you are.

Because above all else it is by relation,

 it takes a strong person to fight through the worst, to still try to make it the best of a bad situation, held out hope by love.

 Don't ever consider yourself weaker, 

or as a victim of any other, 

but rather the better person,

 who will go to the farthest lengths,

 to withstand and fight for what you love . 

Regardless of the challenge faced at end  you did not fall, 

it is yourself you can believe in,

 be proud you faced and gave of your all, 

how hard you tried makes you stand tall. 

 Success is a fleeting feeling by route,

 Comes in short moments accomplished for having given your best, 

far out measures by the effort given for the reward finds the effort rewarding by more,
