

Black Heritage
Seas ranting and panting
Thousands of ships invading our soil
Guns and shackles
All hail to the oppressor
Whose heart is pierced with hot iron
They all lack empathy
That’s why the black skin become a siege

Tied and bond for no sins committed
Sold for coins and gold
How cruel the heart of man can be
Men and women lost their heritage
Just because they couldn’t defend themselves
Children beating in front of parents
What a pain the black skin has to endure
Wife raped while the husband watch
Who dare you to raise a voice

You can’t judge the black man
For is journey is painted with blood
The black man ain’t weak
There’s just too much scar to wipe off
Who knows which master that’d have chain me if I was born in the 70s
Don’t hate on your brethren
Don’t force them to exile when the only home we have is this earth

God created man in His own image
How come we paying for what God design
I could look back many decades and see my fathers on that ship heading to exile
Wispering but the cords of many lashes couldn’t give them a rethought

You don’t know how many pains the black skin needs to heal from
It’s easy to forget but not for those great fathers who bore the pain

We shall discuss this in heaven someday
But it’s sad the story couldn’t be amend
Black Lives Matters
© King Christen