

The elusive dream
In the realm of my imagination, a fantasy world of love was conceived,
A hypothetical devotion that ultimately remained unrequited.
I became enamored with an individual, a dream that unfortunately went unfulfilled,
Leading to a descent into depression, a sorrow that threatened to overwhelm.

The object of my affection departed, unaware of the depth of my emotions,
Leaving me to confront the darkness, a despair that seemed insurmountable.
I came to realize that my fantasy was merely an illusion, a fleeting notion,
A world where I erroneously believed I held control, but was, in fact, a vulnerable participant.

In the end, it was not love that I commanded, but a fantasy that deceived,
A poignant reminder of the fragility of the human heart, and the irony of our emotional lives.

© Bishal kalita