

The Future Generation
Children's day is a time of joy,
For every little girl and boy.
A day to celebrate their innocence,
And cherish all their exuberance.

With laughter and smiles all around,
Their joyful spirits can be found.
On this day they are truly free,
To be themselves, full of glee.

They run and play without a care,
Their imaginations wild and rare.
Their dreams are big, their hearts are pure,
Their love for life is so secure.

So let us celebrate the children dear,
Fill their hearts with love and cheer.
For they are the future, so bright and bold,
Their potential is a sight to behold.

Happy Children's Day to all,
May you continue to stand tall.
Embrace your youth, live each day,
Innocent and carefree in every way.

© faintest_pen