

Nostalgia a feeling that reminds me of home one I can't really comprehen. It suprises me how a perfume, a spice, a word, a sound or a scent brings me back to place, only my mind can take me to. A place that is still alive in memory but gone in reality, nostalgia. It brings me brings me back to a time, one that feels familiar and yet distant. All I acknowledge is how it feels so strangely at home for me, how accessible it is to have all these feelings and windows days long gone in reach,nostalgia. A time,a place a memory, a tear in the spectrum. It lingers, I find myself in the old house my mother first i recieved my little brother, to the summers in the mango trees as my father read, to the friends i remember running in the rain with. It takes me back to things I have forgotten, that doll i wouldn't let go after my 8th birthday, that song i danced to one Christmas or that stupid tasted once, it lingers like it was yesterday. Sometimes I giggle to myself, other times I cry A time that I have outgrown is a time that I will never be in again. Sometimes it's a person I will never hold again,a friend I will never have the pleasure of smiling again, someone I will never run to ever again and yet that simple perfume takes me back to when the arms would wrap around me and their laughter echoes in my head,nostalgia. Like a reverse clock i relive all these little glimpses of where it all began. Nostalgia. An old friend. Somebody who reminds me of every single time I have forgotten. Fairytale might not be real be this one friend reminds me of true magic.
© @NatalieChilikwela