

"The Whisper of Breath"
In the coming and going of the world, for a moment,
a light whisper, a distant heartbeat.
Between the chaos that screams and the calm that waits,
there is breath, sincere life.

A deep breath, a subtle echo,
where time stops, it becomes a profile.
In the frenetic dance of endless days,
a breath of peace reminds us to live.

It's a golden bridge between today and yesterday,
a suspended moment that invites you to be reborn.
Worries dissipate in his walk,
and in that brief space, we begin to dream.

Thus, with each inhalation, there is a world to explore,
a pause in the storm that teaches us to love.
Breath is the thread that weaves our essence,
In the duality of being, we find presence.

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