

none forever
I feel my heart is wrenching and ask myself is it all worth it?
The pain... the crying... the anguish...
I've thought and thought
Going over it as I wonder what went wrong
Only one conclusion came to mind
We just weren't meant to be
You were my forever
The one I loved dearly
We were so good
Our relationship was amazing
One of the best I've ever known, ever seen
They say you need trust and honesty
Communication is key
We had it all, the whole nine
Sadly it had to end
It just wasn't our time
I've learned to accept that
Learned to move on
Though it hurt
I'm glad we ended how we did
It taught me something new
Something I didn't know before
Even though you were my forever
I wasn't yours
It was obvious with how fast you turned on me
Believing lies you once fought against
Spilling more lies to hurt me
It was probably a game to you
See how deep I could fall for you
Testing if I was naive and gullible
Watching to what extent I would take your lies
I learned a lot from you
And it made me realize new things about me
Helped me realize there are various types of people out there
Those who are like you demons in disguise
And those who are angels
Although you truly hurt me
I loved you
Leaving you was best
You will always have a place in my heart
A tiny place I will hold dear
We can never have a second chance
The pain you put me through was unbearable
It I could go back
I wouldn't change a thing
It was all worth it in the end
Not all learning experiences ate happy and fun
I will never forget you
You will always be my
Non forever
© orchi1987