

Love Feels Like?

What does love really feel like?
For years I thought I didn’t know
It was there hidden in my psyche
Unable to get through to show
I now know love is a complex emotion
That can manifest in many ways
A multifaceted notion
With many different plays
It is different for everyone
And can change overtime
Loud and clear like a clarion
Or no words just gestures like a pantomime
A comforting presence in your life
Like a blanket that makes you feel secure
Protecting you from all kinds of strife
Warmth and comfort for sure
Feelings like a rush of excitement
Adrenaline making your heart race
Wanting to make that commitment
Butterflies flying around in your space
A deep meaningful connection
Like you are on the same page
Trying to win a heart with attention
A bond like no other, enters the stage
Being accepted and valued for who you are
No judgement or conditions
Just being the same ,on par
The acknowledgment of truth , admissions
Love in words alone is hard to describe
As there are so many other ways to show it
It has such a distinctive vibe
But as they say when hearts collide you’ll know it.