

Your Pretty Eyes
In eyes, a world of wonders lie,
Where galaxies of color gracefully fly.
A twinkle, a spark, like stars in the night,
Guiding lost souls to realms of delight.

In hues of amber, blue, or green,
A story of beauty, yet to be seen.
Windows to the soul, they softly gleam,
Reflecting emotions, like a flowing stream.

Oh, pretty eyes, with lashes so fine,
In your depths, mysteries entwine.
Each blink, a chapter, in the tale you weave,
A symphony of enchantment, that I never want to leave.

With every glance, a spell is cast,
Drawing me closer, as time moves fast.
In those pretty eyes, I find my home,
A place of solace, where love freely roams.

So here's to the eyes, so captivating and wise,
In their radiant gaze, my heart joyfully flies.
For in the poetry of your eyes, I find my rhyme,
A timeless ode to beauty, that withstands all time.
to be continued....
© vivekparghi_official