

Family Reunions
Is this the pain you've felt?
I thought you were just a kid.
I thought this was just a phase.
But now that everybody is looking at me like I'm mad. Everybody is looking at me like Im crazy.
Everybody is looking at me wrong.
Like I'm a monster.
Pansang, Pedragosa, Palomado, they're looking at me like I'm crazy.

I wanna die.
They should.
Stop looking at me.
This reality isn't real.
This isn't real.
Reality is not true.
Nothing is real.
So smile.

To fit in with the monsters you have to smile or they'll eat you alive.
They'll look at you with their fiery gaze and their foul tongues will spread about your patheticness.
They will gossip about you.
So smile and be normal.
Be okay or else they'll gossip.

Kyzr can't save you.
God isn't saving you.
What is God doing.
Cmon act normal or they'll catch you.
Act normal or they'll devour you into this hell of a reality.
Sugar coated but hell bound.
Cmon smile you can't let them see you.
You can't let any of the demons catch you.
Every human in reality is pretending, they're not real, they're demons.
Run from them.
Trust none of them.
We are not safe here in this illusion.
Run and Survive.

You hear them laughing?
Monsters monsters monsters.
I don't want your help.
I don't want light.
I don't want your mercy.
Demon opened light no.
I won't fall for your care.
I won't accept any of your offers.
© Ovalie