

Why cheat your love?
Why cheat to your love?
Didn't you promise that you will always
love her forever and forever.
And also try to remember that you got
married to him her and also you
took some vows in the presence of
the great one .
You also exchanged rings and wore a
nuptial chain as a symbol of your
love was that a joke to you?
Do you cheating is a considered
a sin in the bible?
Do you know how much pain
that you would have caused
to your lovedone?

Let me tell you this pain is
unbearable .
lt so terrible that it feels like
you have drank poison or you
have committed a murder!
One day you will come to realise
that you would have committed
a terrible mistake but when you
will come to realise it it will be
too late mind you and also
you will definitely be punished
for it by the greatone when the time
comes mind you!

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