

Little light
Disappointment brought tears to the eyes,
Breaking apart the once metallic heart,
Drifting away from the dream that almost comes true,
The wounded soul slowly fades from reality.

There is the moment,
A brim of light can be seen from afar,
It seems so much distance from the spot where I fell,
Reaching out for that ray of light,
Slowly getting up on my knees,
Crawling toward that little ray of hope,
As I draw near,
The warmth of that light gave me a boost of strength,
I stand on my feet and I slowly start walking,
Faster and faster,
Before I realize it,
I was running and bath by the warm embrace of that once a little light.

Eyes that were once full of tears shine brighter than thousands of stars on a clear night sky,
A broken metallic heart melts and fuses to become whole again,
Slowly picking up shattered dreams,
Gradually healing that broken soul and coming back to reality.

© heartbeat1515