

Magical Night
She wore her jacket and went out into the night,
Distress rushing, mood uptight.
Her mind was occupied by anxious thoughts,
Like a desert occupied by storm and drought.

She strolled the silent street,
Hair playing in the gentle breeze.
She looked up and the night sky absorbed her,
Transforming her thoughts into a blur.
She gazed at the stars adorning the sky,
And at the moonlight peeking through the clouds high.

With every breath, with every step,
Her mood elevated, she felt full of pep.
She sensed the serenity and experienced the peace,
Her eyes twinkled, lips smiled with ease.

She felt and cherished the magic.
And forgot those moments tragic.
That's the power of Nature’s delights;
That's the power of all those Nights✨.


PS: This is the first poem I have ever written. Hope you like it 🙃

#writco #poem #poetry #night #magic #life #peace #nature #stressrelief #beautyofnature

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