

Hidden Among The Roses
Why, why do you persue me?
I wish for solitude you see.
And yet, you continue to search for me.

I seek not friendship or redemption.
There are things about me that would draw attention!
What I have done,what I have lost.

The pain of the memories. keep me crossed.
They taunt my very existence.
Such thoughts are very persistent.

Pain is consistent with each piece of memory rembered.
AND yet they cannot be dismembered.

So unbearing, the pain is.
Aaahhhhh, I will continue to find sanction from my past.
Even if I must remain,Hidden Among The Roses!

This field of red reminds me of that tragic day.
The sight of many as they lay.

The death of innocents would lead to a sea of blood...noooo I..I must not drag myself in the mud.
This field may comfort me at last.

With ease, a breeze upon the rose.
They dance as a scent allures my nose.
But alas, I must move on.

For he will soon be along.
Why does he search For me among, the flora and pollen?
For who would want to befriend a fallen?

Matthew Hamilton-Share my Pain
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