

The most important thing
What is the most important thing,
In life's vast and varied ring?
Is it love that warms the heart,
Or friendship that won't depart?

Could it be laughter’s joyful cheer,
Or courage when we face our fear?
Is it health, so pure and true,
Or a family that supports you?

Is it wisdom from books and age,
Or dreams that set us on life's stage?
Kindness given without a thought,
Or patience in the lessons taught?

Is it freedom's precious right,
Or hope that shines through darkest night?
Beauty in nature's art displayed,
Or faith that helps us unafraid?

Honesty that builds our trust,
Or justice fair and always just?
The music that can heal our pain,
Or loyalty that will remain?

Is it joy that lights up our eyes,
Or truth that never wears disguise?
Peace that calms our inner storm,
Or strength that keeps our spirits warm?

Is it art that speaks what words can't say,
Or wonder at the start of day?
Gratitude for what we own,
Or empathy for those alone?

Adventure calling us to roam,
Or resilience that brings us home?
Silence when we need to rest,
Or growth that brings out our best?

Is it unity in times of strife,
Or purpose guiding us in life?
What, indeed, can claim the throne,
As the most important, most unknown?

No, no, the most important thing,
More than all these treasures bring,
Is the memories we share,
Moments cherished, beyond compare.

In those threads of time we weave,
Lies the most precious gift we receive,
For it’s memories that bind,
Heart to heart and mind to mind.

© dreamy poet