

Does love works?

Does that work?
How does it feels?
Bad!? Good!! Scary!.....
or Butterflies!!!!?......

Nah!..... I don't know.

Love, love, love,
a word that I hear many times
at my lifetime,
maybe there's a magic behind it.

Maybe yes,
That's why most of the women and men,
fall in this magic,
Staring each other's eyes,
Like they were hypnotized....

It's sounds like a fairy tale...
Childish right?.


What do you mean by ''true love''?
I don't know......
Maybe something,
that comes once in our lifetime....

Like a blue moon or a godmother.....

I do wanna see it,
but I can't....
That was a bad truth,
and worst fact of my life.

But people say,
that it a feeling,
That will come to you're life,
in any situation...

It doesn't have any timings,
like the time I woke up...
I too doesn't have a perfet timing,
for getting up from bed....

So, I have also heard people saying,

Love is a feeling,
comes from our heart,
seen in our eyes,
controlled by our brain,
and communicated by our mouth,

Funny right?

~Words from @itz_me_choco2378 ~

This is just an another lovely poem,
written by me @itz_me_choco2378
I hope, this poem gives you a preety smile.....

Thank you........ For all the writco members
who have read this poem.......

Thanks alot

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