

Oh Great Mind , Oh Great Man
A world of men we are living in.
How can you attain the apex of success without been helped by a man.
A man of your kind , A man of your caliber.
A great man is up all the time . He stay behind the Clock.
He Goes extra mile , Does extra things.
Add value to himself , and be the first among the equal
He lead the leaders , he does not loose hope , for he knows tomorrow is not certain.

Oh Great Man

Do you know the type of mindset you have?
How well do you know yourself?
How best can you do it?
How far can you go?

Oh Great Man

A great man possesses a great mind.
He absorbs no negativity
Nothing is impossible to him
He sees no limitations
He lives in his environment and break the limits.
How possible would this be ? A great man depends on no one.
He fix things whenever they went wrong
He adjust himself to current situations , because he knows humanity can never be satisfied

What A Great Mind

He offence no one
A great man goes straight to the point
He doesn't bit around the push
He is time conscious
A great man knows conflict resolution skills and doesn't practice gender bias
He is one in a million
A great man listen big and talk less
He does not make noise with irrelevant issues
He is aware of time and season

What A Great Man

© Stephen Getor