

Big Ben
A poem for my friend JoySG

Complimenting someone face-to-face is not my speciality
so may I express my feelings in a form of poetry.
If I were to compare you to an object
it would be Big Ben.

Big Ben is a tall tower, of course it reminds me of your height.

Big Ben is the world's biggest clock
representing the times when you would remind me when to ring the bell.

Big Ben stands in England,
my dear your fluency and vocabulary in English is exquisite.

The UK is said to have the world's largest library
and well your bookworm personality says it all.

Big Ben was constructed in the Victorian era
darling your modesty and elegance with a touch of independence brings me there.

Next to Big Ben stands the House of Parliament
and well, you're not afraid to speak your mind,
you're not afraid to speak for others
and when I get can't speak, well you're there to be my voice at times.

The rainy days in London reminds me of your sarcastic nature.

Big Ben survived WWII,
my dear whatever life may throws at you,
yes it does hurts, but with the LORD I know you will come through

And lastly, Big Ben has a unique chime
this represents your singing voice

And wait, there's a bonus
you're sense of humor is one of the reasons
that when you see me, I'm always smiling.

I'm fortunate to have you and I encourage you to continue and thrive in your walk with Christ.
" May your holidays be blessed and be safe"
xoxo female.michael
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