

Invisible Scars
The battles that I once fought
Scars and pain, it brought
It left me with battle wounds
I still remember the war sounds

I still remember all the battle cry
The war field felt so dry
It left its wounds on the warriors
It never disappeared even after all these years

Those wounds never fade
It never will, I'm afraid
I have been trapped in some invisible metal bars
Due to my invisible scars

Every war that I fought in
Every battle that I usually win
It all gave me invisible scars
I wanna run away and go to a place that's far

Every war and every battle
Had given me nothing but trouble
But I still don't give up, and I fight
I fight with all my might

Those wounds never fade
It never will, I'm afraid
I have been trapped in some invisible metal bars
Due to my invisible scars

© Anushka

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