

“Shell Of Flesh!” (dark limericks)
“Shell of flesh!
Aging body of mine.
Wayward soul is trapped deeply within.
Freewill given.
Purpose driven.
I am NOT at all comfortable beneath my skin.”

“Shell of flesh!
Object of many desires.
I know what you truly want.
Not so much.
Just a touch.
So positive...you wanna simply taunt and flaunt.”

“Shell of flesh!
Bonded by many things.
The God created living and breathing machine.
Organs, cells, muscle, tissue and bones.
Unbounded by many extremes.”

“Shell of flesh!
We live together.
Oftentimes by many world apart.
Beneath it all is borrowed blood.
Life-giving crimson flood.
Circulated by an ever beating heart.”

“Shell of flesh!
Master of nothing.
Layers of trouble in between.
To sometimes glow and to glisten.
You continue grow to but you don't often listen.
To become this lone social butterfly upon every scene.”

“Shell of flesh!
Seeker of many pleasures.
The harvester of much conflict and pain.
I can make you wait.
You intend to keep my black ass straight.
Made me cry alone in the pouring rain.”

“Shell of flesh!
I must confess.
You succeed and fail yet still you try.
Forgive and forsake.
Make no mistake.
Someday, someway, somewhere, somehow...
You'll gonna die.”

”Shell of flesh!
It is what it is.
Do not consider me here at all unkind.
Inside hallowed ground.
You will make no more sound.
To be forgotten about and left behind.”

“Shell of flesh!
The time and day is set.
A wayward soul will finally be set free.
The Holy Trinity will reside.
Where it cannot either run or hide.
Ushered in or be cast out...
What will forever be will be.”

© 2023 RyderSound® Originalz!
Online Freestyle Poetry
Pandora's Pen / GSPro!®

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