

Time has Expired
Find your Loved Ones, keep them close.
For the Starving Rebellion of Heavens War has risen with no recollection of the past
Only the memory of battles won and lost. Swinging their Tools of their trade, murder and mayhem at any cost.
Mankind has fallen to their knees to Insanity's Rise and feel that all is lost.
Mankind with hands tied, shouting it's time to be freed.
Allowing Insanity to multiply and breed.
Humanity has lost their appetite for carnage. To leave way for the Feasting on the Frail.
Leaving the way for me, as I crave the stench of blood that is irony and stale.
Hiding like Women as they cower in their home
Walking through your neighborhood, every street I shall comb
To find the Insane is not too far from my eye
As they feel their heads are targets, and color them with dye.
I wouldn't have awakened, if it weren't for a one in a million chance you see.
Millions prayed to your GOD at that certain time
Turning his back on his creation, for St. Jude was a Soul to help with their cause
Now, it is time that I plow the fields with severed heads, held tight by their jaws.
As one skull is obliterated, I pluck off another. For the faint of heart would surely black out with a chest all aflutter. A job that needs to be done, to replenish Hell as it has been depleted
All Demons latching on to a Child Born with no Baptism
Hell on Earth, The Dark Ones Legion has risen
To all that have the sight, hold on to your loved ones with all your might.
For I have been risen to plow the field. I shall not look to see who is in my path. Only to Fulfill Our LORD'S Vengeful Wrath
© Dale A Martinez