



My lenses may be faulty,
I don't see any overnight
happens here. I figured,
It does appear different
to onlookers, sudden

But beleive me when I
say, everyone you see
pass through various
means to get to the light
you see them stand in now.

Some soared, some cruised,
some jumped, some hopped,
many walked, most limped
and multitudes had to crawl
their way through on all fours.

Forgive me if I don't show
much excitement when
you pay me compliments,
sometimes I need to use
your lenses to see me too,
so I may also see with your
eyes, to behold this that
you say.

My lenses, they get blurry
most times, they have
seen too much and many
a storm. If you think I am
close to the light, or your
lenses say I am somehow
already standing in the light;

Take note of my ragged knees,
the chapped palms with
deep holes in several spots,
I was a crawler, and sometime,
I was among the ones limping.

There were no wings to soar
on,no cars to cruise with and
no bouncing castles to hop or
jump. My legs were too weak
to walk, there were no protectors
for the knees or under feet.

I crawled on all fronts and
when I could stand, the joint
were already touched by time,
so yes, it took a crawl, and then
long excruciating limps to get
to the light you see.

© Ibadiaran Omo Akinde

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