

The life
My life feels like a black hole, 😔
Where good turns bad, and worse takes hold, 😢
Each day a never-ending hell, 😞
No light, no flame, just darkness dwell. 😔

No one seems to care for me, 😢
My worthlessness, a guarantee, 😔
But in this sorrow, I must say, 😔
I wish not for hell's fiery fray. 😔

Suffering has been my life's song, 😔
Unbeknownst to me, it prolongs, 😔
Yet no one comprehends my strife, 😔
No one should bear this pain-filled life. 😔

In this vast universe, I'm small, 😔
My death, insignificant, all, 😔
But let us not forget, my friend, 😔
Each life has value till the end. 😊

Though empathy may be my tone, 😊
I'll smile through darkness, not alone, 😊
For in this language, we connect, 😊
And find solace, love, and respect. 😊
© Abhijit: A hardworking writer