

Commandment Countdown ( second commandment)
" Thou shalt have no other gods before Him. Thou shalt not make unto thee graven images (idols)
God hates idolatry and to be honest I have committed this sin, maybe you have too.
Yes, idolatry is bowing down to other gods or idols, this is true,
but idolatry is simply something that you love more than God,
something that you make more time for than God.
eg. Social media
movies and TV shows
objects and more

Like I said I have had idols before.
I was more interested in learning about other gods than the one true living God.
Kpop and Kdrama- I would literally spend my whole day of these things
and only like 3 minutes with God.
It was hard cutting out Kpop/ Kdrama quizzes,
Kpop/ Kdrama tiktoks edit or random tiktoks on them.
I once told Jesus that I would cut out Kpop and Kdrama tiktoks, but I just backslided
and watched them again.
Until I had to sincerely repent now,
It was hard deleting things from my YouTube...

So, what do you love more than God?
take time to examine yourself and see if you have idols.
Discover the issue, repent and if it is hard to let go of it, ask the LORD for help
and He will break you free from it

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