

Walking Solace
There were times we trudged life like an invincible soldier
The weight of our baggage unbeknownst to our shoulder
No path, no matter how cold or hostile, deterred us from moving faster

But not every day we were endowed with a fire that didn't flicker
For even the lively flowers with strong roots can still wither
Under the caress of time and the prolonged kiss of harsh weather

In those days when exhaustion weighed on our bruised shoulder
And our once undeterred feet now plead for a warm shelter
We started to understand why some soldiers chose to be a deserter

And no matter how empowering to hear this assurance,
"You're so strong. I know you can survive this journey on your own."
Sometimes we long for words resembling a soul's embrace,
"Unload your burden onto me. You're strong, but you don't need to carry it alone."
© ashamelessintrovert