

Staring Back
On a bridge, my reflection was shown.
The reflection staring back, was not my own.
It rose and fell like stars in the night.
Noticing its shallow eyes, seen in the moonlight.

I reached my hand, touching the skin on my face.
In the dark it had left, not even a trace.
With trembling thoughts, a rock was thrown.
But the grey and sunken reflection was still shown.

I dared not move and could not speak.
A sound was heard, only a creak.
Unnoticed the bridge swayed to and fro.
But the reflection staring back still did show.

The water dripped from off my cheek.
The reflection staring back, began to speak.
Infection in her heart had torn her soul away.
Warning was given, of not to stay.

A promise I made, I knew couldn't be kept.
With blood stinging my eyes, as I wept.
I was incapable of ever saying goodbye.
Never letting go, even if the pool is dry.

© RLynnM