

The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
Social isolation fell on the people
They were forced to lock themselves up in their rooms
Everything was closed down
people died as if there has been a curse on the land
This one deadly disease tamed the world and made everything ceased
churches were closed,mosques were closed,schools were closed
it brought crisis on the economy
it killed billions of people
There was a great sadness on the earth
no hand shaking,no hugging
Social distancing everywhere
boarders were closed;no going in, no coming out
calamity has befall the earth
who will redeem the people, when will this end
the people look so pathetic
their facial expression is as if they have no keeper
they look as if there is no redeemer
All hope is gone
no mourning of those who died by this deadly virus
everybody keeps in his or her bosom.
children are wailing
adults are wailng
where is their helper?