

United shoes
Walking on a busy street,
Feeling off about everything and everyone,
Day after day.

Suddenly, I tripped and fell down.
I am not terribly hurt, but
My shoes are untied and dirty.

I got up unwarily and tied my shoelaces,
Heard them chattering and whispering.
I heard them say that
This was a fall of embarrassment and letdown.

The last time it happened to someone was so long back
That after a while of detest,
Folks soon forgot about that peculiar being.

I dusted myself and glanced around,
Then looked down, I saw it now.

Everyone was wearing the same black rubber slippers,
So spotless and clean.
I see why none of them ever fell,
Because they never tried to walk out of
Those slippers of norms.

© Sleepy bear is wide asleep