

A very Bad Panda
In the depths of the moonlit bamboo grove,
Where secrets and desires interwove,
There dwells a creature, dark and wild,
A Bad Panda, with passions beguiled.

He moves with grace, a sinuous dance,
His black fur gleaming, a sultry romance,
Eyes that hold secrets, a tempestuous fire,
A seductive charm that never tires.

He walks the night, a creature of nightshade,
Luring hearts into his tangled charade,
Whispers float in the misty air,
As he weaves his web, leaving souls ensnared.

He preys upon the broken-hearted,
Whose dreams are shattered and love has departed,
Drawing them in with a tantalizing gaze,
Promising pleasure, a forbidden haze.

Oh, Bad Panda, you're a master of disguise,
Beneath your wickedness, passion lies,
In your touch, a flame of desire,
A longing that burns, a searing fire.

But love, alas, is your tragic curse,
For your heart is cold, an eternal hearse,
You search for affection but find only pain,
Leaving shattered hearts in your wicked domain.

Yet still, we're drawn to your dangerous allure,
Yearning for passion that's fiery and pure,
Embracing the darkness within your embrace,
Choosing desire over love's gentle grace.

So, dance on, Bad Panda, in shadows deep,
A seductive secret you faithfully keep,
In your kingdom of darkness, you reign,
A tantalizing mystery, a never-ending game.

Picture is also taken by me.
Enjoy 🥴
© Bad Panda