

Triumph of the Lamb
In Revelation's tapestry, a tale of might,
Where shadows dance, and faith takes flight.
The Lamb, pure and white, its sacrifice profound,
In its crimson flow, redemption's bound.

By the word, their testimonies weave,
Threads of courage, in hearts that grieve.
They speak of grace, of trials endured,
In every trial, faith's flame ensured.

Lives surrendered, unto the brink,
Yet, in surrender, true victory they drink.
For in the Lamb's triumph, they find their own,
Their love for life, in eternity's tone. #Revelation12_11 #TriumphoftheLamb #TestimoniesofFaith #SacrificialLove #VictoryinSurrender
© Elphas Sipho Mdluli