

Patience, a virtue often overlooked,
In a world that moves at lightning speed,
We're taught to rush, to hurry, to achieve,
But patience, my friend, is what we need.

In the chaos of life, we often forget,
That good things take time to manifest,
Like a seed that grows into a mighty tree,
Patience nurtures dreams and sets them free.

Patience is not passive, it's a strength,
A calmness in the face of life's events,
It's the ability to wait with grace,
To trust the process, embrace the pace.

In a world of instant gratification,
Patience becomes a rare revelation,
But it's in the waiting that we truly grow,
Learning lessons only time can bestow.

Patience teaches us to savor each moment,
To find joy in the journey, not just the end,
It reminds us that life is not a race,
But a tapestry woven with patience and grace.

So let us cultivate this precious trait,
In a world that's always in a haste,
For with patience, we'll find peace of mind,
And a life that's truly worth the wait.
#patience #lifelesson
© Alpha Creatives