

Moony, comes IN 🌹🖤
I love you Moony
More than my currents
So beautiful you are white which
Where will she go,
In her Grandmother's womb
She's so sweet like sweetest voice
Poison me with your love Daddy

I love you Daughter's
Love me too
Yes, mucho, tornado
Boast my chances to luck you more,
You hurt me so much, sweety
She joked so much,
She laughted for me
As I became her sweetest Granny

Oh my Mary,
Mary so cute
Married to a Goodman
With Goodwills
I remember your cherish na

Miss U T🖤🖤
My sweet Baby
Remember me In your Dead Bed
When I'm paved with you
Someday God will reunite U&S
You adore me so much
Don't worry, I'm your Sunnyvale
Just like daughter's descury

"I will sleep with you in Dead Bed"
"Moony Will Wait Too"

© The Breaker