

Is it weird that I just sit still with my thoughts?
weird that I can suddenly feel my tears drop?
weird that an ache in my hands suddenly develops?
weird that my smile suddenly cracks off and fractures?

Could you term me okay
if I said there are days, the weight of my emotions makes me wanna lay down forever
Term me fine
if I said on some days, the smiles are a lot harder to put up for others to reciprocate
See me as normal
if I said on some nights, it's not sleep when I struggle to close my eyes
but tortured thoughts that keep me clinging to light like a lifeline.

I guess you could term me weird
weird for the fact that I feel too deeply till it festers into a wound…
weird for my mind that's too sensitive to forget and let things go…
weird for putting up a mask so others don't see that I'm just barely there…
thriving simply by pushing on to the next minute.
It's weird to me how I'm considered weird for simply being me.
© Amanah Saais