

Us in the dream of mine
Realising that
you were merely
not mine
it was just happy clouds of mine
I was never the melody of your rhymes
and never the red romance of your life
it was just my happy clouds
where cottage dwelled by darling you and me your wife .
it was just from me,
you as vision of my gloomy eyes .
your that one sight ,
peeping right into my sole
was enough to deteriorate my life
and caused me the plight
the plight of deformed cerebrum
you made me fall for night
and that moon at my sight
it reminds me of you
and that episode from that bright plight
darling you making me feel right
and it was just us and the night
the darling you always ignites
ignites the light full of essence
when I felt miserable
you hold me tight
But again I woke up from that night
and shoo away .
that happy clouds of mine
Now I am waiting for the night
to enjoy the Endymion you and the Cynthia me .