

The Demons
you play too much, they said
you laugh too much
this joke isn't funny
yet you laughed so hard
it's sunshine around you
you look for the happiness in others
I wish I was like you they said

but what they never knew, was that
this was my only outlet
they couldn't see the pain in my eyes
they couldn't see the hurt in my heart
the couldn't see the struggles through me

when I go back home
and I am alone
the demons come
you are not good enough they say
I know that I am good
but they are stronger than I am
their voices louder than mine
they tell me
that I am not needed here anymore

my hands shake
and my fingers wriggle
as I struggle to pull the trigger
best decision ever
to put an end to this
but there is this speck of hope
that says
wait, it is not over yet!!!

© Godsfavour Abaku