

am still a virgin
am still a virgin
they are just jelous
some calling me a whore
others with the audicity to call me 'mtaro'
some say not good in bed
as if they have tasted the Apple

am still a virgin
yummy sweet juicy and tight
just give me a chance
just try me

am still a virgin
that day you saw me in the house
wearing bikini
I swear we did nothing
I just washed his clothes, his house
I swear we did nothing

am still a virgin
that man you meet in my room
with a towel on his waist
he's my brother from another mother
how could I do it with him?
trust me, I never did it

am still a virgin
I know Kelvin told you he tried it
yet he never touched it
the music was so loud
but I was just giving him dance lessons
I swear we did nothing

am still a virgin
it's true I have children
two sons and thee daughter's to be precise
but I never did it.
remember Mary of the scripture
she never did it too.

am still a virgin
even after all my friends told me it's sweet
I haven't tastef it
I dowanna betray by future
for my hubby
trust me am a virgin