

Helpless lot
Helpless lot

You criticize me
You asked me why I didn't speak
Why i didn't explain
But would you have understood?
Would you have listened?
Did you have the guts
To listen to the demons
That plagued my mind
Or the thoughts that called me to death.
Would you have walked with me on hot coal
Because I told you?
Would you have stayed by my side
On each sleepless night
While I cried
Begging for God to end my life
Would you have been as persistent enough
As the voice in my head
That said I wasn't good enough?
Would you have shunned the thoughts that violently invaded my privacy
What would you have said
To the fear that tormented my soul
How would you have soothed
The emptiness that was swallowing me whole.
I spent nights
Miserably begging to lose that light
the one that always brought me back
Whenever suicide called me nigh.
Learn from it- the voice of suicide
It's more persistent than you've ever been
What would you have said
To the restlessness
That stole my peace of mind
Now you make tall claims
Speaking of a personality
That was never mine

You were as helpless as me
Or even worse.
A helpless lot
Because you wanted something
That never existed

Oh, Yes i lied
Yes I wore fake smiles
I'm not the perfect person
You pictured for your future
or the perfect piece
Society craves for to find peace.

I'm a broken person
I'm weak, and insecure

But I'm still a masterpiece
Hardened and priceless
Worth more that the false peace
I could have gotten with you.