

how those Haidain gangster set chain carribian trick
Haidian gangster and middle class hiring system have same 'parents '

Good original middle class employee had been kicked out

By carribian trick

in decades

Englewooter wise seniors eyes Christian Catherine junior both senior America Patriot

Venice wise view patriot senior , junior Christian Catherine resident

All America hero group in assisted living facilities

Such trick could be used for any America righous citizen and patriot and heros

If it happened to you and your family

You will know how evil those gangster organization system

How they run carribian trick in different assisted building

Target at individual Christian and Catherine employees

Until travel ant ball totally invaded Statue of liberty

See today 's carribian trick case i experienced

I already lost job walked into Walmart

Pawn system still cheated police

Now you can see how middle class gangster treated a weakness server

It could be happened only when

Trav ants ball system have been building up

In heros group assisted building

Haidian pawns won't be inserted here crazy speed if without middle class hiring system supports

Mean care giver treats senior Su mean refused her black coffee per day

Why this mean caregiver

Never worry about be fired like me


Here is protector D

Middle class leader D

That Haidian paw and this middle class manager D stand up in same line

fake face D

True purpose is not protect senior Su

He totally blinded his eyes !

True purpose is cover a mean Haidian gangster caregiver

Because yesterday Su told me she need to report to police

Today, this fake face D

Started to cheated V police

Fired me still throwing shit on me

Use this carribian trick kicked me out of this job


I booked bus of on demand 6:15 am

Can not catch any bus

It is a little unusual

If I call on demand

Three times

My call has been swift into same person

Name is as same as my name

This representative is arranged by cyber pawn !

Travel ant ball gangster organizer

There is no such acoincidence

And happened three times when I called bus

Representative picked up phone __line should be random thing

Long time can't use app

Call have been swift

It means

my bus account has been invaded by Cyber Trav ants ball system

__ on purpose let me late today

It is first

Same thing happened before

High technology pawn invaded bus system three years

So I can easy recognized those digital cyber pawn

After 30 minutes

I called 941.....

This time a lady representative told me

Her system is as same as customers

She suggested me use app in 20 to 30 minutes

This morning

I totally spend three hours

Finally catched a bus

When I arrived

It is 9:30

Second step__ two kitchen pawns

After I arrived

I can continue to do my work in big dinning room_ served for lunch and dinner

But kitchen leader A and kitchen lazy sloth

Used this case that I was late

( I already explained to manager why I was late )

The two kitchen gangsters started run second plan to trap me

Sloth pretended he will quit this job

Kitchen leader A waved his cutting knife to me let me leave big dinning room to small dinning room

Sloth immediately followed me like a ground ear

when I was working

Started find trouble kick me out

Sloth works in this assisted living facilities seven years

Pawns system kicked a ten years experience good employee

Sloth looks fearless

grabbed a nurse's butt

In front of all big dinning room eyes _ although 'eyes ' are eating lunch nobody care this one

Next day

This sloth carried his mom to dinning room

Showed off how much he respects lady

The truth is

He use the excuse

Escaped from his work position

I and other employee have to help him do all of his duty

When my first working week

He has been named_ kitchen sloth

This sloth on purpose moved into small dinning room monitoring me and Su __ she is the resident told me a gangster pawn refused to give her black coffee

She is the resident complained about that gangster caregiver refused her lunch order

Only refused her

This sloth strip his ear monitoring us

Trying to get opportunity to yelling

( If he is true make subwear, he worked in big room , why followed me to this small dinning room today?)

This sloth started to yelling me and Su

It is the second time he suddenly yelled at us --me and senior Su

But this building camera never care this kitchen sloth yelling scene


Kitchen leader A

Spoke__ fuck , fuck deliberately when I told him a senior wants peanut butter jelly

On purposely


The kitchen boss A whom is kitchen leader

Matches this sloth

Moved me into small dinning room on purpose


After sloth and A played carribian trick

Their partner system immediately entered kitchen

This is a guy of hiring system

Why this hero lives building has lots problems

Travel ant ball invaded hiring manager system

If they are not gangster organization pawn

When kitchen sloth grabbed a woman butt

He will saw everything

When this sloth yelled me and Su twice

This hiring manager D

Should watched everything by his camera


He only selected the time when those two kitchen pawns bullying me and senior Su

I explained

It is beverage service time

10:35 am

And I only give Su a little bit black coffee

I want to let her feel warm

Immediately this two kitchen paws yelling so aloud

America hero groups and America Patriot

Christian and Catherine

It is gangster pawn's use America hero camera weaponization help their gangster pawn

Target at a honest sound America patriot!!!

The third step

This fake D

Can not

Doesn't want to keep partial when I and Su suffered

His true purpose is kick me out

Because I am going to help an America hero resident!!

Whom got serious dizzy

I suggested this America hero

Better aquire enough amount of true doctors

To learn why this hero has to feed 12 different medicine pills per day during one year

It might be harmful or hurt his liver and immunity!!!

All America wise brain hero groups of assisted

Doesn't it is a normal caring attitude to this America hero?!

Those gangster pawn hate me take care of America hero and senior Su

This morning

That is why they use this chain carribian trick

Kicked my job in this assisted living facilities

This D , middle class hiring person

Even arranged his front dest paw

Call a police

He is trying to let my name in record

Then I will lost all working opportunity in the future

What an evil!

At that time I already walked outside of this building twenty minutes

This middle class D

Still asked police came

Just because

In kitchen

I asked that kitchen sloth

And that kitchen boss A

___' hi are you satisfied?

I got fired '

Nature voice of my is higher than average Bec lots senior residents have hearing problems I have to raise my voice when I served food

Then this middle class D

Immediately call police

High probably this D planed it to frame up other fired honest employee too

When I told several senior resident and America heros

( Acoincidence is they are sitting there waiting for door opening )

'I have to say good bye now , I said __ unfortunately I got fired today

, I love all of you ! '

Because I am so happy with them

In my working time

It is my pleasure can work for them

America hero groups and lots good senior residents

This fake face D

Used his hate sound said

I hope you never never come here to see senior residents!

This is the reason why D threaten me he will call police

He needs to kick me outside very soon

Wasted America police equipment and time and human resources

On purposely

Now , I wrote down what I experienced

Don't want other honest righous employee whom love America heros

Be targeted at by Trav ants ball system

God bless America hero groups

All assisted living facilities

God bless them see honest words

Hearing truth