

Echoes of love...
In the quiet hush of dusk's embrace,
She walks through memories, each a trace,
Of a grandfather's love, gentle and kind,
In the garden of her heart, forever enshrined.

Through fields of sorrow, she softly treads,
Where tears like dewdrops, in silence, shed,
But amidst the ache, his laughter rings clear,
Echoes of joy, ever near.

In every sunset's golden hue,
She sees his smile, steadfast and true,
In every breeze that whispers through the trees,
His comforting presence, a gentle ease.

Though time may pass, and seasons change,
His spirit lingers, never estranged,
For love transcends the bounds of time,
In her heart, his legacy sublime.

So she walks this path, with reverence and grace,
Honoring his memory, in every space,
For though he's gone, his love remains,
In the gentle whispers of memories' refrains...