

Little did she know about the dark orb,
And the darkling crimes held tight in its curb,

Beautiful blooming bud she was,
She was plucked as lust was her curse,

6 years was her age when she was touched with intentions worst,
Unaware she was of the fact, she hid a crime for the first,

The Little petal of her chastity was stained,
Molestation was what the charge sheet had named,

Uncivil him did penetrate into little her,
Little her - had someone's lust's curse to bear,

Angel she was in the world of demons,
Someone's mother, daughter, sister she is now keeping a mum,

Unheard words of her- echo the loudest,
With HE committing a serious crime stands stoutest,

Let's not keep a mum,
And not let the devils have all the fun!

Kids were there, are here and will be here soon,
Lets omit the curse and shower them with boon!

She was just a kid,
But wait, she is a warrior now,
So its crime's time to bid!

Reminder: It takes a lifetime to forget a few moments of childhood!

© tuli