


I’m trying ,okay
Can’t you see
It's hard to feel something and say contrary
To hide the feelings from the ones
Who are supposed to care for me
Cause all my demons tell me that,
That all they do is keep up the pretence.
And I listen and heed cause
My demons are invariant,
They are my life’s constant.

Can’t you realize,
That I hide everything
With my head bowed
Concealing the tears
That are begging to kiss my cheeks.
But i obliterate my feelings
And I don't feel,
I don't let them get away
And I hide…
As i bite my cheeks
Clench my fists
With Nails digging in my palms
Sometimes with a drawing of red
Or choke to my throat
As i hide from the world
Into the abyss of darkness and demons
That welcomes me like an old friend.

I try to be,
What you want me to be...
But you can't see
That I'm trying, can you??
NO.. you listen to the words of lies
That holler in front of you
As the true words stay in silence
In the depth of my eyes
As they turn into a never ending ocean.

© SamWoods