

Astronaut/The Tree
I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut.
Ever since I was little I dreamed of a spaceship.
I dreamed of me in my white suit, traveling.
In my mind I made this a reality.
I became an astronaut.

My first misson, I’m going to a new planet.
They call it ****.
I load up into my rocket, a single window for the view.
Three, two, one, Blastoff!
I’m launched, into orbit, into a new life.

The rocket lands, I take a step on this new planet.
It’s beautiful, flowing rivers clearer than glass.
The grass and flowers are so beautiful.
Pink, red, yellow, purple whatever color.
It’s there.
In the middle of this beautiful garden.
In the middle is this faboulous oak tree.
It’s captivating, it has captured me.

However, I’m on a misson.
My goal is to get rid of the tree.
So, I get my axe and give it two whacks.
It hurts me slowly, but surely.
Until I can’t handle it.
The deeds already done though.
I cut the tree down, with my words and axe.

Just then everything goes sour.
The flowers wilt, and the rivers flood.
The planets begins to crumble,
until I finally fall through.
Now I’m falling through the void of misery.
Thinking about my time with the tree.
All the beautiful leaves, and the twigs.
The roots that supplied nutrients.
I’ve enter the stratosphere. I’m back on Earth.

I landed on a soft patch.
But, it’s not soft enough cause I still hurt.
I did it to myself, I crumbled that planet.
I’ll miss it.
It even had a beautiful name.

© tmrf