

A new reaper in town.
There is a new reaper in town,
in form of a virus.
With a blade in his hand reaping every harvest.
Everybody locked inside, in the house that's once home.
Tuning to the news online, to keep themselves informed.

The streets that heard the sound of children growing
is silent.
Every roads that's jammed
Is vacant.
For every air that's polluted
Is fresh.
For every river that's dirty
is clean.

With every ticking time, the situation turning red.
Cities turning into containment, which area is next?
Countries diminishing to states, states to cities...
You will find politicians Twitter, people locked, and wagers(daily)
On street.

It's winter at heart, everything is dark and dreary.
When will the spring come?, when will it be merry?

People spending more time with families,
and everyone is gaining new skills,
some learning to play guitar, some cooking.
Freedom from mobile,
banging plates and clapping joy.
A joy, to support to cororna warriors,
a hope to come out victorious.

But the one worst hit, is the wagers daily.
For them the reaper flew rich in plane,
And the lockdown , making them hungry...
It's great migration again, one we see in history.
workers searching life,
wandering back home.
A home that's once a village, once full of joy and emotion...,
Left to die alone, like a mother sent to old age home.
Does it still have life left?- it's a question?
Do they find work there? - it's a question?

Meaningful conversation between parents and children
had started to rise in many,
But why am I sitting here , getting all dark and dreary?
When will the spring come?, when will it be merry?
For there is a new reaper in town,
in form of a virus.
With a blade in his hand
reaping every harvest.
The days had eventually fallen silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear is the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors.

O child o mine , don't be afraid ,
for not all days are dark and dreary.
The sun is covered in clouds will reveal itself.
Rainbow after the storm will form itself.
You valued greed, and grew exponentially,
Crops grew with chemicals, planes flew intoxicating .
Streets became noisy, and animals made to hide.
your eyes filled with smog, you lost sustainable side.
I tried to warn you, with every bad omen-
Storms rising, ice melting, forest burning-
But you looked not concerned.

For now learn from cane, and like a mother scolds her child.
Crowd less, pollute less ,and walk without greed.
The world here is not to conquer but to live,
There is no he , she but we.
So my child don't be afraid
the sun will shine high,
the dark clouds will fade away,
the reaper will go -
once you learn to obey.

#poemoftheday #LifeQuote #covid19 #home #love