

The worst feeling is when you feel
Like you're a burden, a bother, a deal
To the one person you want to be close to
But instead, you feel like you're pushing them away too
It's like walking on a tightrope of emotions
One wrong step, and it all comes crashing
You don't want to be the cause of their frustration
But every word you say feels like a dagger slashing
You try to be good, to make them happy
But it seems like your efforts are always faulty
They used to miss you, now they ignore
Leaving you feeling empty, unsure
You were supposed to be a team
Standing strong against all odds, it seemed
But now it's just you, fighting on your own
And it breaks your heart, down to the bone
They say love is like a drug
It can make you feel high, then leave you in the mud
But you keep holding on, hoping for the best
Even though deep down, you feel like a pest
You search for happiness in the same place
But it's like searching for a needle in a haystack
You try to find a smile on their face
But all you get is a cold, empty act
It was supposed to be us against the world
But now it's just me, left to unfurl
The memories of what we used to be
Now just a distant fantasy
One day, you'll just be a memory
A person they used to know, nothing more, nothing less
But until then, I'll do my best
To be the good one, no matter the mess.
© cynfully