

Dear GBV Victim
Dear GBV Victim
let me be your painter and color your scars ,
let me be your painter and color your heart ,
let me be your painter and scribble your soul with mesmerizing moments ,
let me be your painter and scribble in your mind the tactics of either reporting abuse or making your home secure ,
let me your painter painter and color your horrible abuse trauma with a beautiful portrait of overcoming the effects of the trauma,
let me be your painter and scribble your died dream with the hopes of overcoming and telling a better story ,
let me be your painter and color your tears with the happiness the moon offers ,
let me be your painter and color your depressed soul with workable counseling,
let's hold our hands together and paint posters saying no to Gender Based Violence on our faces ,
let's scribble tookits of no violence in your 72 languages .
Let me paint your day number 7 of activism against violence with something from my heart .
16days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence.© Mateo