

The love soul seems to have gone of me now
The love soul seems to have gone on me now

Today I rather love with my thoughts and infinite eyes than with God's given heart,heart love left me with blank verses. Today I rather yearn and long' for adored love than to rhyme back of our love

Where the soul seems to have vast and forsaken me to leave in woods, where ignorance lay,day back, our dearest love memories glee inc' of thy life heart to leave thee dry knot all that lost, yes lost, come and leave, it hurts me, the wormth, the adventures, the relationship allusion dreament of all in Vain for him, for mother of fame, for the world not our love

The soul seems to have gone to thee grave, where no man wish to stay. Where silence is the only language thee is, grief I am it was glorious gods love was, I wished for words before silence, before all unbearable pain and the sorrow. I searched as to look to blue sky, where I might feel some thought I feared, would never find it as I knew that as I am, there may be no home for me in this world of love and lust in this paradox than in her peace
© R. Phalantoa