

Best Friends
Seeing all these poems,
focused on the delicacy that is a friendship.

Seeing all these words,
that describe how that kind of relationship
is supposed to feel.

Seeing all these people,
who relate to having this person
that chooses them
and over,
and over again.

Seeing all of this,
and realizing
that I will never get to know
what that feels like.

I will never get to know
what it feels like
to have that ride or die friend
who is there within a moments notice.

I will never experience
someone coming to me first
whenever something exciting happens.

I will never get to experience
this undying bond
that ties two people together
based on their love
and care for each other.

I do not think I am capable of being loved in that way.

And its been proven


and over,

and over again.

I am destined for solitude.
And I'm waiting for the day that I find solace within it.
But until then,
I will continue to mourn the relationships
I will never get to have.

© aliconic