

Great Holy

Just as the rain started to fall,
Forces of good and evil instantly clashed,
In circles and in twirls that darkens all,
Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed,
Then drizzles came in a second.

Some would say its a lie,
That no man can believe in destiny,
Or that the fate aligned ruled over,
Since the fall from the sky stayed unknown,
Yet so much stayed true and visible,
Like the likes of shivering grounds,
That turned rocks into soil,
Sadly not good enough to bear fruits.

The Myths stayed mysteriously under the hidden treasures,
Those that kept secrets forbidden from our generations,
While we busy putting culture in control,
Though we bow to commands and texts,
From the great holy ones.

We lived to tell stories,
To account the past to our futures,
Yes, there and there we stayed untrue,
Who knows for who!
Perhaps to accomplish the scared,
Or to let universe fall down on our feet,
Then the wholehumankind will demolish,
Sadly it would be too late to retreat.

© Adelyn Moliepe