

**Eternal Whispers**
**Eternal Whispers**

In a village where the hills embrace the sky,
Two souls met, their love destined to fly high.
Elara, with beauty that rivaled the dawn,
And Kael, a knight whose valor was drawn.

Beneath the moon’s gentle, silvery glow,
They danced, their hearts entwined, a love to show.
In forests deep and meadows wide,
They shared their dreams, side by side.

Years passed, their bond grew ever strong,
A melody of love, a timeless song.
But fate, with its cruel, unyielding hand,
Brought an illness that swept across the land.

Elara fell, her light began to fade,
Yet their love, a promise, was firmly laid.
“Death cannot part us,” she whispered so sweet,
“In this life or the next, again we shall meet.”

Kael, with tears, vowed to love her forever,
Their hearts, though apart, would cease to sever.
Elara’s spirit soared to realms above,
Leaving Kael with memories of their love.

He lived on, honoring her every day,
With love that time could not sway.
And when his final breath he did take,
He saw Elara, by a shimmering lake.

Reunited, their spirits danced in the night,
Two stars shining with eternal light.
In the heavens, their love forever gleams,
A testament to the power of dreams.

So, look to the stars, and you shall see,
Elara and Kael, in love’s eternal decree.
Their story, a whisper in the night,
A love that transcends, forever bright.
© inspirelink